Friday, February 3, 2012

Guernica By Pablo Picasso

        This painting represents the bombing in Guernica. Many people say that Pablo Picasso put hidden images of death because they found a total of 2 images of death in this painting. "Picasso's purpose in painting it was to bring the world's attention to the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica by German bombers, who were supportingthe Nationalist forces of General Franco during the Spanish Civil War."( This painting was made in the year 1937.
         Pablo Piccaso was born in the year of 1881, Spain. He died in the year of 1973, France, at the age of 92. Picasso was very good at paintings and sculpturing. He was known as the greatest artist of the 20th century of modern art. He usually goes to Paris to do his artwork, like most artists because Paris had the most beautiful scenes. He was mostly inspired by christian sculptures. He was married twice in his life. His first wife died because of a disease.
           This painting shows the horror people are experiencing during the bombing in Guernica. There are people panicking in this painting. I would also panic because I would already think that I'm going to die because there is bombings everywhere in the city. Bombings do kill a lot of people.

The day was beautiful,
until the surprise of the bombing,
which must've been painful,
especially to those families of the people that were once living,
but now they must've died because of this tragedy.
Everyone is panicking,
hands up and running,
everyone is also screaming, 
like if there would be no world in the end.

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