Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hard To Be 2 Diferent Races In 1 Person

        I have just finished the book The Girl Who Fell From The Sky by Heidi W. Durrow which is mainly about this girl named Rachel who is half African American and half Danish. She has trouble trying to identify herself and is trying to hide her Danish side because she thinks she looks more African American.
       She is trying to her Danish side at school because of two reasons. There is a bully at her school that always calls her light skinned because Rachel is light skinned because she is half white. If she tell the bully that she is half Danish, then the bully would tell everybody in her school, and there would be no more secret.
       The other reason is that Rachel is hiding her Danish side because she doesn't want to remember the horror she went through when she was only a child. Sometimes she does remember that her mom, brother, and baby sister died trying to escape from a fire by jumping off the building, but if she does remember she is Danish, she will remember the horrors more often.
        Reading this book makes me wonder how all the people that are alone because their family died, lived or live. It is very hard when you remember how it happened, so maybe that is why Rachel is trying to hide her Danish side. It's more easier to escape that moment trying to forget about it.

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