Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Domestic Violence(social awareness #2)

This video is based on the video from youtube (doesn't work in school): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpzzffsISOQ&feature=related

        Domestic violence is when someone is abusing you(like hitting, rape,etc) because probably that person is addicted to alchohol or drugs. People that deal with this are mostly women. 1 out of 7 women are dealing with domestic violence. These women are treated like this everyday. More than once each day. Men are usually the abusers. Not all, but most.
          These women that get affected get bruises, like the woman in this video, who has a black eye, but covers it with sunglasses. Most women are so scared of their abusers, that they don't tell anyone because they are afraid that they will get abused even more, just like the lady in the video, who doesn't tell her son's principal what's happening since her son hit a girl his class. Maybe someone you know is dealing with domestic violence right now and you don't know. That's how abused these women are.
           It's a very bad decision to do this in front of children because they do whatever their parents do. The parents are role models to kids. In the video, the lady's son is starting to be abusive towards girls because he watches his dad hit his mom. He even told his mom,"Then why do you let him hit you?" This was when I thought the boy learned to hit people from his dad. His dad is a very bad role model.

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