Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can Humans LOVE Animals?

                I am still not done with the book Linger by Maggie Stiefvater but I am almost done. Linger is the second book of Shiver which is by the same author. The main character is Sam and Grace. While reading this book, I came up with a question, is loving a werewolf the same thing as LOVING an animal? I don't think so.
           Sam used to be wolf, but when a period of time passed, he eventually became human. As he was human, he met Grace and they both fell in love with each other. If Sam was still a wolf, Grace wouldn't have known even Sam. Sam is a human now and was human when he met Grace. So Grace fell in love with a human.
          There is another character introduced in this book named Cole. Cole used to be a wolf like Sam. After a period of time has passed, he eventually became human like Sam. He was a relative of Sam. When Cole transformed, he met Isabel. Now they both are in love. Cole met Isabel as human, like Sam. That means Isabel fell in love with a human.
           These two examples from the book proves my answer. Isabel and Grace fell in love with humans because at that time, Sam and Cole were human already. I would highly recommend Shiver (book 1), Linger (book 2), and Forever (book 3).


  1. great question! really nic, i never thought about that before if animals feel as we do. They have feelings but is there something more???

  2. I really liked the way you stated your question. I also liked it how you kept it throughout the story. It is awesome.

  3. I think your respones was succesful due to the relavince of the question. How did sam become a human and why?
