Thursday, March 22, 2012

Romeo and Juliet (Act 3)

            I have finished Act 3 in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. This act was mostly about Mercutio getting into a fight with Tybalt. It was Tybalt's fault mostly because he splashed could have stopped arguing with Mercutio, but he kept on arguing. It was kind of Mercutio's fault because he kept on arguing too. 
I think Romeo did the right thing in killing Tybalt.
          One reason is because he killed Mercutio. I don't know if the stabbing was on purpose o by accident' Either way, Tybalt should have stopped fighting.
          Another reason is because he caused other trouble and got mad easily. If he didn't get stopped, he would have gotten into other fights and killed other people. He was kind of a criminal in my mind because he's a killer. I kind of hated it when he knew that he stabbed Mercutio, but just walked away.He's a careless guy.
         These are the reasons of why Tybalt deserved death. I would have want revenge too, like Romeo. I someone killed someone I knew, I would want revenge, but not killing that person. I would want justice instead of me being a killer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Much To Do About Nothing

        My favorite part of the play was when the detectives were investigating about the Hero issue. It was funny and useful because the detectives solved the problem. Without them, their marriage couldn't be even done. Not even Beatrice's marriage. The detectives were important in the whole play.
        My favorite thing about the play was the light shade. The back stage people were very distinct with the light shade. The light shade described mostly the mood of the scene. I also liked the moon/sun in the back because it described if it was day or night.
        I really liked the play because it kind of introduces Romeo and Juliet because this play used some Shakespearean language too. It also had some issues about love like Romeo and Juliet. The settings in the play were very nice, like the tables and the beer drawer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Romeo and Juliet (So Far)

         The whole class has the read the part when Mercutio talks about Queen Mab. Mercutio talks about Queen Mab in a very elaborated way. He also describes how small she is. The way he explains Queen Mab is very long. It's almost like a speech. His speech has all the details of Queen Mab so that you can draw her. He also describes her as the Queen of love.
         I can tell that Romeo is very sad because he knows that Rosaline doesn't love him, but he loves her very much. He is most likely heartbroken. He mostly expresses his sadness in words, like the part when he says, "O loving hate", and "O heavy lightness". He won't be like this until he meets Juliet, who will be is next love.
         Romeo and Juliet is good so far. Some parts I don't understand because of the Shakespearean language. I don't understand I'm. Why couldn't he just do the whole play in modern English so that it would have been more easier to understand everything than getting the Shakespearean dictionary.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Romeo and Juliet (letter)

     I have just finished Act 1:Scene 1. I have observed many things. One is that all the soldiers have swords almost all the time. Another is that at the beginning, two friends, Sampson and Gregory, are hanging in Verona talking about the mantigues. Another is that the mantigues and the two friends start to fight when Sampson bites his thumb. 
    I also found out that Romeo likes a girl that doesn't love him back. His friend, Benvolio, then tells his to look for someone else. Eventually, Romeo finds Juliet at the ball and falls in love with her.Juliet also loves him back.
    Some parts of Romeo and Juliet is hard to understand because sometimes they use complex vocabulary and Shakespeare uses some words he made up. There are also some puns. I suggest you to have a Shakespeare dictionary to get a better understanding.