Sunday, June 10, 2012

Coming of Age Post #2

            In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, the protagonist is Melinda Sordino. She spends her time alone because everyone hates her. Her old friends hate her too. Melinda also stays alone because she thinks it's more safer. After reading this, I think that parents have an effect on their children, like in Speak.
          Melinda's parents were always fighting about her future. They were basically fighting over what would be best for Melinda. Making a decision for your daughter's future by arguing over it is probably the worst way to do it. This would effect her because when she's older, she wouldn't want to see her parents together or else they would argue. This is how she kind of feels now.
           Melinda's parents communicate with post-it's on the refrigerator. Communicating by talking is much better. This is like showing that communicating by talking is bad. Some of these post-it's would also have things about Melinda. Her parent's aren't the best example for Melinda to follow.
                This book was interesting because the issue that is presented here is presented by other teenagers around the Earth. Melinda's parents have a huge effect on her now, and would have an effect on her future too.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age Essay

               In the book Rules of the Road by Joan Bauer, the protagonist is Jenna Boller. Jenna works as a shoe seller. She is very good at her job and cares about her costumers. Her dad is an alcoholic and her grandmother has Alzheimers. Her dad offers her a vacation to Texas. She accepted this offer and now she is having a hard time with her dad since he is an alcoholic. Alcoholism of his father really affects Jenna's life.  
           An example is when her dad was drunk and went to her job. Jenna was doing her job like always. It isn't only her job, but also her interest, then her dad, drunk, went to her work place, broke the door. That same moment was when the owner of the shoe store came for a surprise visit. The owner was mad at her and Jenna almost lost her job/interest.
            Another example is that Jenna doesn't have a great relationship with her dad as a father. She isn't comfortable with her dad because he is an alcoholic. She is more comfortable around her mom because her mom was always there for her. A lot of kids out there have parents that are alcoholic and are scared of them. This is Jenna.
          Alcoholism in her dad affects her life a lot. She almost lost her job, but most importantly, her interest. Alcoholism in her dad affected her relationship with her dad too. There are a lot of people out there in the world that are facing the same problems as Jenna.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


         In the article,"In the Company of Animals", the author talks about a painting which describes an owner of a dog who went to war and didn't come back until twenty years. When the owner came back, the aged dog encountered him and recognized the owner instantly. The dog then died. I think this story is very touching by two reasons.
         One example is that the dog still recognized the owner even if it was twenty years since they have last seen each other. This means that the dog had a strong friendship with the owner when the owner was still there.Twenty years is a long time for dogs.
        Another example is when the article says,"'Infested with ticks, half dead with neglect' and lacking the strength even to drag himself toward his master, Argos thumped his tail, nuzzled low, and dropped his ears in grateful recognition. Then the 'dark shadow of death closed down on Argos’ eyes.'"When he met his owner, Argos got into a respectful position for his master, but instantly died. It's like if the dog was waiting for him for twenty years.
        This story was very touching. This dog lived longer than they're suppose to live. This dog was also neglected. He was half dead when he met his owner. It was like he was bowing for his master, then died to rest in peace.


Answers to Questions:

1.What did the student do wrong? What could he/she have done to include the source correctly?

This student copied word for word from the website this student read from. This person also wrote down words that are complex, words that we don't use. This person could've put what source he's using the quote from, then put the quote.

2.Write a sentence using the original source correctly; use a quotation or paraphrase. Also, make sure to cite correctly. Consult my post on citing sources.

In,"A Brief Understanding of the Starry Night Paintings"(unknown Author), there is a part where the author described the art work, "Whether or not this religious inspiration is true, it is known that the piece is not the only Starry Sky painting that Van Gogh ever created".

3. What are at least 3 ways to avoid plagiarizing?

*Cite a quote if using one
*write a cited quotes part in the essay
*Write the essay in your own words

Thoughts On Blog Entries

          I thought that Gabriela's and Sofia's blog entries were great because Gabriela used descriptive details in,"Much Ado About Nothing, But Still Something". One part when she uses details was when she said that the actors of the play were speaking through their bodies because they used a lot body language. Gabriela also elaborated on examples that backs up her thesis. In the blog post on The Boyfriend List, she puts her feelings on the example she gives like when she says that Ruby deserves a panic attack because she shouldn't have let Kim at the boy she loves.
          In Sofia's blog post, I liked how she uses a lot of information on the Pablo Picasso painting like on the first paragraph, she says,''He was born in Spain on October 25, 1881, to an artistic family. He was grown up knowing art and recognizing art. As a young age, Picasso's paintings won prizes and many people were impressed and amazed by his wonderful artwork." This part of the essay already includes three pieces of information. Sofia also wrote a lot. Overall, she wrote eight paragraphs for this blog post.
          For my future blogs, I would like to elaborate more on examples like Gabriela. I would also like to write more for my blogs like Sofia. I would try to both for my future blog posts to improve them.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Romeo and Juliet (Act 3)

            I have finished Act 3 in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. This act was mostly about Mercutio getting into a fight with Tybalt. It was Tybalt's fault mostly because he splashed could have stopped arguing with Mercutio, but he kept on arguing. It was kind of Mercutio's fault because he kept on arguing too. 
I think Romeo did the right thing in killing Tybalt.
          One reason is because he killed Mercutio. I don't know if the stabbing was on purpose o by accident' Either way, Tybalt should have stopped fighting.
          Another reason is because he caused other trouble and got mad easily. If he didn't get stopped, he would have gotten into other fights and killed other people. He was kind of a criminal in my mind because he's a killer. I kind of hated it when he knew that he stabbed Mercutio, but just walked away.He's a careless guy.
         These are the reasons of why Tybalt deserved death. I would have want revenge too, like Romeo. I someone killed someone I knew, I would want revenge, but not killing that person. I would want justice instead of me being a killer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Much To Do About Nothing

        My favorite part of the play was when the detectives were investigating about the Hero issue. It was funny and useful because the detectives solved the problem. Without them, their marriage couldn't be even done. Not even Beatrice's marriage. The detectives were important in the whole play.
        My favorite thing about the play was the light shade. The back stage people were very distinct with the light shade. The light shade described mostly the mood of the scene. I also liked the moon/sun in the back because it described if it was day or night.
        I really liked the play because it kind of introduces Romeo and Juliet because this play used some Shakespearean language too. It also had some issues about love like Romeo and Juliet. The settings in the play were very nice, like the tables and the beer drawer.